Tutorial: How to Use the Pennsylvania Mine Map Atlas

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Pennsylvania Mine Map Atlas.

This tutorial is divided into four sections:

Section 1: How to search for mine maps.
Section 2: How to view, download, and highlight mine maps.
Section 3: How to use the advanced tools including transparency, base maps, and measurement tools.
Section 4: Connecting to PHUMMIS.

NOTE: For important information on Mine Subsidence Insurance please go to https://dep.pa.gov/msi

Section 1: How to search the PA Mine Map Atlas

You can search the PA Mine Map Atlas by county and municipality, street address and zip code, or by latitude and longitude.

See the examples below for more information.

To search by County and Municipality:

1. Select a County from the drop down list.
2. Choose a municipality from the drop down list.
3. Click the zoom button.

Example: Use the County and Municipality pull down menus to zoom to a municipality within a particular county.

To search by Address:

1. Type the address you are searching for in the Street input box. There is no need to include the town or municipality.
2. Type the zip code for the address in the Zip Code box.
3. Click the zoom button.

Example: Type the address and zip code you are searching for into the input box to zoom to a street address.

To search by Latitude and Longitude:

1. Type the latitude of the location in the latitude input box.
2. Type the longitude of the lcoation in the longitude input box.
3. Click the zoom button. NOTE: To search by a Latitude and Longitude coordinate, enter the values in the fields and click the Zoom button. The values must be in the decimal degrees format.

Example: Type the Latitude and Longitude (Decimal Degrees) into the input boxes to zoom to a specific latitude/longitude.


To continue with the tutorial and learn about How to View and Download Mine Maps, click the Continue button below.